Thursday, April 24, 2008

jazz club show go bye bye

ok, so we were gonna have a big staff party on this coming monday to celebrated the closing of the club and our future being unemployed. HOWEVER, being that the business has actually finally been sold, and all of the staff are going to be kept on and May is being booked with shows, Kim (the soon to be former owner) has commandeered our staff party and turned it into her very own going away party. how totally fucking awesome! ya see, it was my idea that at our staff party we could invite OUR friends and have a show with OUR non-jazz oriented bands. but now you see, Kim went and invited all of her friends and it has turned into what will most likely be a drunken jazz jam session. neato, really. basically all the staff bands dropped out or couldn't do it, so i was like, well fuck it, we're not gonna do it either and be the only one to impose our arty punk bullshit on Kim's going away party. on the bright side, i am no longer losing a quarter of my income. on the not so bright side, i'll still be working 50+ hours a week. so much for spending more time working on writing music and trying to get better at guitar. or working out. or learning spanish. but i'll be able to pay off my laptop that is coming day now, and that big fucking amp i bought that totally messed up my ears at our show last saturday, so uh...yay.

as of right now, our next show is May 31st at the Magnet community center in the middle of the big gay Castro. Coreycakes was raising a fit about playing gay oriented shows, and i tried to stress to him that while we ARE NOT A GAY BAND, we are not going to let the fact of the current lineup being 3/4 queer preclude us from persuing the one facet that might give us an in to an opportunity where people might pay attention to us. i mean, we are competing with 500-1000 bay area bands for attention, so fuck it.


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