Sunday, March 12, 2006

carbon copy

so like on friday, i like redid all the guitar, bass, and vocals for the redux of the corporate rock tune. fucking struggle, my bass chops were hella rusted. whatever tho. i guess it sounds ok. there are more new details in this new version, but it feels like a lil' bit of the magic from the first attempt is lacking, but i'm probably just a spaz. anyway, i was thinking about adding some synth to it, but i probably won't, but now i have got it into my head that i absolutely must go purchase one of this Nord Lead virtual analogue synth things, cuz i need more blurps and squiggles in my lame tunes. so as i near the end of the tunnle of credit card debt, i prepare to sink further. whatever tho, i need blurps and squiggles. fuckin' gonna try my luck on ebay.

fuckin' at dumb job #1 right now. bored as fuck, but relatively entertained by internet distractions, such as this dumb blog. i gotta go get a new tire in a bit, cuz i ran over a screw or some shit friday night. learned how to change a tire. it was neat. this after having to get a new battery last tuesday. this shit comes in threes, but i think the first one was tommi's van, when the starter finally went out about two weeks ago. tho i reckon i'm gonna have to throw down for new brakes soon. yay having a car...yay credit card debt...ugh.

all the kids at my house were doing mushrooms last night. thank gawd i had to work @ the stoop jazz club, even tho that was horrible too, haha. i thought it'd be all hella ugly and shit when i got back home, but everyone seemed hella beneviolent and shit. i guess their plan for watching the Transformers movie whilst trippin' was a pretty inspired plan of action.


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