and the battles never end
and now, this time, the cd replication plant i had almost chosen to use pulling some bullshit by giving me a crap quote. ya see i was shopping around, and this place called amtech in canada was apparently gonna give me the best deal, but this weekend, upon getting everything together, i shot them an email just to confirm the quote they gave me was accurate and to get a total estimate cost for my project, and lo and behold, the rep had fucked up and only quoted me a price for a 1cd replication order, even though my original email to them clearly stated that my project was gonna be 2 fucking cds. so they be like, oh sorry, our bad, that's gonna be another $600. whatever. i mean, i might still use them, but that brings the total estimated cost of the damn things from $1800 up to $2400, plus the $600 i spent on mastering already (got those back today, yeah!) and that's a shit load of coin. i was really hoping to keep the replication costs under or around $2000, and i could probably still do that if we change direction and go the jewel case route. but, i really hate shitty plastic jewel cases, especially 2cd ones that break all the fucking time ever so easily, they're balls, balls i say. anyways, so i gotta spend another week re-examining our options, probably re-doing all the fucking artwork, and all that shit. totally lamerz. in other news, we got the photos back from the photoshoot, they're pretty cool i guess, like tommi looks good, but i'd say i look gawky and fug in about 2/3rds of them. i'm convinced that i now need collagen in my lips, rhinoplasty for my over-sized schnazz, lipo for my beer gut, a chemical peel and shaving for my face, something must be done about the bags under my eyes too! so there are couple good ones, we're gonna run them by the committee at my house and try to get a general consensus opinion on which one to use. like there is one that i like where i'm actually genuinely smiling, but i'm like, should we use that one, since the music is so angry, despondant, and bitter, would it really match up to use a pic where i'm flashing a million dollar smile? fuckin' tommi being all pretty and shit, it ain't fair.