Tuesday, October 27, 2009

sunn enforcer

i got a new amp! off ebay! very exciting. it is a SUNN Enforcer from the early 80s. apparently only 100 or so of these were made. it definitely an upgrade from the albatross of the b52 at100. here are some pictures!

drinking 4 loco before the show...not a good idea

we played EL RIO last night, and it was a pretty shit show. the sound guy had a bad attitude the whole time and was giving us negative vibes all night. the guys in the band that asked us to play (domestic electrics) were all really nice, and they brought in a good crowd. unfortunately that crowd (and part of ours) came after we played, cuz basically we had to start right at 8pm, which was ridiculously early. especially since there was no third band. it was just lame. bad experience, bad night. not fun. and we weren't playing coherently, so the whole thing kind of just became a big goof, or least it was for me. by the end of it i was laughing throughout my vocals, cuz shit was just going wrong and we were sounding so bad, so it was just totally fuck all, haha. i feel bad for our friends who came and had to watch us flame out in such an unexciting way.

anyways, it looks like EL RIO is another place we probably aren't going to play again (unless the circumstances are absolutely right). it just doesn't make sense for us to keep playing these shows with straight ahead MOR indie rock bands. it's not a crowd that is at all receptive to us. these are adults that are just there to see their co-worker's band play once every six months and otherwise don't give a shit about live music. it's just not something where we can cultivate an audience. i mean, generally i like to think that my attitude is that we should always play the best that we absolutely can and put on a awesome show, but after a certain amount of piss in the face - it comes down to - fuck it. ha! we suck tonight, bummer for you kids!

as for playing first, the benefits of playing last are far superior. i felt like such a dick by the end of the night, waiting to get paid while tommi and corey loaded out during the other band's encore (cuz they just refused to wait any longer). i mean, they were all nice guys, and it was their night, it just wasn't any fun to be there by the end of it.

oh yeah, we played:

statement of intent
don't you want to play with me
the escapist
no questions, no answers
dead roses
do you wanna mess up the intro?
fear of death
goodbye horses (everybody loves that cover...)
sing pretty or die laughing thru the verses

Monday, October 19, 2009

report on the show last thursday 10/17

we had an excellent turnout for our KIMOCHII party last thursday at the stud. i attribute it to the fact that it was the first show for each tiger butterfly and the glassines. people always come to your first show, haha. it's getting them to come back that's the tricky part! skeletal system also played, and they were excellent, probably my favorite of the evening. we finally hit around 1am, and were typically pretty loaded by that point, but i suppose we did our best. we played:

anal fixation (sound check - i forgot like half the words)
statement of intent
do you wanna mess around?
no questions no answers
don't you want to play with me?
the escapist
dead roses
she can't understand me
goodbye horses (q lazzarus cover, from silence of the lambs)
sing pretty or die!

i couldn't hear my guitar for much of the set as i had to play through my old crate amp that we usually allocate for the keyboards. we had an excellent practice the night before and in a moment of drunken excitement i spilled modelo especial all over my accursed b-52 amp. not sure if it straight up died or not, figured best to turn the damn thing off before it shorts out or i get electrocuted. anyway, that's being repaired...so i bought an old rare SUNN off ebay in celebration! cuz really, i've had enough fuckery from that damn b-52. goddamn shitty sounding amp anyways.

we're still working on the artwork for the record at a snails pace and letting some friends give us some feedback about track sequence and such. so, delayed as always...

oh yeah, the laptop got fixed. some kind of problem with the logic board, whatever that is. it's been acting a little wonky, the hard drive thinks it has 8gb that i know it didn't have before and crashes once it's filled up past those 8gb (cuz i got too much crap on the damn thing).

Monday, October 12, 2009

it all might be gone

my laptop died friday night rather mysteriously. i took it to the apple store on saturday, and they were like - hmmm, dunno what's wrong, gonna have to ship it to a third party repair place, that'll be $310 please, oh and another $99 if you want us to try and save everything on your hard drive - plus tax! so there's a small chance that all of the 24 bit final mixes of the record are gone along with the raw tracks to half the album. kinda fucking shitty. there are only two 16bit copies of the record out there on CD - corey has one, and jerry has the other. all those times tommi kept telling me to back everything up and i just didn't get around to it yet...ha!

in other news, we're playing a show, at the stud again, this thursday the 15th. we're under-rehearsed as usual as corey has been sicker than hell for the past week with swine flu / strep throat or something. my goal is for us to not be completely fucking wasted, as we're playing last (AGAIN), so i suppose i'll have to be the drink nazi all night long. good times! anyway, that's about it for now...