Thursday, February 25, 2010

last night we played a show

we played:

statement of intent
do you wanna mess around?
dead roses
sing pretty or die!
don't you want to play with me?
i'm a man
no questions, no answers
anal fixation
the host (working title)

the space (Sub-Mission) was really big and cool. too bad turn out was low, wish we had gotten confirmation of the gig more in advance, as we weren't able to heavily promote it the way i had initially planned. the PA was pretty awful unfortunately, low vocal levels and lots of feedback coming off the mics. it's definitely a space with A LOT of potential though, and we'd be into playing there again. the other bands were cool (though again we were the weird one), and we sold a couple records. our most consistent and stress-free show so far.

we're going to be doing some recording and try to shoot a music video in the next two weeks before Corey leaves to go on tour with the Saucy Jacks for most of March. figure if we can get some tracks started before he leaves, it'll give us something to work on while he's gone. our next shows will be in April.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


it's been a busy couple of weeks. we got our records and cds in at the beginning of the month, and we've been slowly trickling them out into the world. in fact, our record is available for purchase at these SF bay area stores:

Streetlight Records (SF)
Amoeba Records (SF)
Amoeba Records (Berkeley)

if yr at all enchanted with us, please pick up a copy from one of those fine establishments. if you can't find it in the racks, ask a sales person, 'aight!

here are some lovely pictures of us:

we're playing a show tomorrow night @ Sub-Mission Gallery (mission @ 18th st). it's all ages, and it's kind of our record release show. we're pretty excited!