omg, so like we went to point arena to play a show and it was a pain in the ass and i thought we kinda sucked. first off, the van rental place (who i deal with all the time thru my work) completely fucked me. i had requested a reservation for a big econoline 8 passenger van three weeks ago, but the reservation never got entered into their system. so i got stuck with a fucking minivan, which was a real bitch to deal with. it was damn near impossible to load everything in, and was super uncomfortable. plus on the way back, everything feel over not five minutes out of town, so we had to stop by the highway and spend 20 minutes pulling everything out and reloading it all back in.
anyway, we get to point arena and load into the oddfellows lodge, and it turns out that the other band that was supposed to be playing...wasn't. so it was just us. our five friends. tommi's mom and her husband. and four oddfellows dudes. turns out that the big festival was going on across the street at the movie theater with four bands. turns out that was were all the people were at. but anyway, we had a good attitude about it all, everyone was being super nice and totally mellow, so it was like, ok, we'll hit sometime after 9:30pm and hopefully draw some people from the bar across the street.
so we've all had a couple of beers and are feel good and we start our set after a brief and silly Q&A session. and it we start off pretty damn good. i mean we're way too loud, but whatever, we're a loud band (and i need to wear earplugs even when we play live, my left ear got slammed and the ringing is only now starting to let up, sux). so we play:
birthday suit
mongoloid (fuckin' devo cover)
and then we go into our new only a week and a half old song called busriding, and it completely fucking falls apart. jerry goes into the chorus too soon. i'm completely thrown off and i'm like fuck, let's stop this is a disaster, and people have started to migrate over and are actually dancing, and we totally just blew it, fuck! but corey is like, we're not stopping, fuck you, we're not stopping the damn song. so somehow we pull it together and go into the 2nd verse. somehow admist forgotten and improvised lyrics and shitty guitar playing we stumble to the end, and i'm totally embarassed. anyways. we bash throw the rest of our set (or least the songs we're good at, ha!):
fear of death
fem politique
anal fixation
and then they're like play more, please play more, so we're like uh, ok. so we go into age of irony, which we used to be able play. not so much anymore. apparently if i forgo the guitar and decide to just holler the words without any advance notice to other bandmembers, this can be very confusing, but you see, i was already having trouble on even remembering the damn words for this one, cuz i can never remember the damn words to this song, cuz there's a lot of 'em! so jerry goes into the chorus early, again, and i look at corey, and he's like, we're not fucking stopping, so we bash through, and in the end it sound totally fucking shitty. so we're gonna have to rearrange that tune, cuz we're all kinda bored with it right now and kinda suck at playing it.
so at this point corey storms offstage and heads off to smoke out with our friends, but oddfellows guy is like, please keep playing. so i'm like ok guys, let's play you don't love me anymore and oh tyler, cuz we don't need corey for those tunes. so we go into you don't love me anymore, and it's sounding good, and then, you may notice a pattern here, jerry goes into the 2nd part of it early. at least this time it doesn't catch me off guard and we're able to just keep going and finish the song pretty decently. then we do oh tyler, although in leu of tyler, we go oh corey! and i'm like singing, don't quit our band, haha. so after that i'm like hey tommi, you wanna do charisma, and tommi's like, fuck no. so exeunt stage!
so whatever, i'm like, that was shitty, but whatever, it's over i just wanna get drunk, but no! oddfellows guy is like, please play more, whatever you want, i'll hook you up, we'll pay you even! and i'm like, well maybe. anyway, after a short break, we go back on stage and play mongoloid again, and then do the t.rex cover. and then corey is like, let's play anal fixation with me on the drums (sans tommi, who was totally over it by this point). so after sucking through that, i try to escape the stage, and corey's brother tofer comes up to play guitar, and it turns into a retarded jam session. tony even comes up to play the drums for a bit. anyway, oddfellows guy is like, just play your whole set again, please! but i'm like we're all pretty drunk and stoned, i don't think so. at this point, i go up replace tony on the drums and whack at 'em for a bit, which is fun, but pointless. anyway, we all eventually end up back onstage and start our set again. we bash through birthday suit, and then a guy in the audience (cuz there are up to 20 people at various points) starts clammoring for us to play inspire, so we're like fuck it, ok. so we're playing inspire at it's pretty decent...until the end, cuz we're too damn loud...we'll mainly my guitar is too damn loud and my ears are so fucked that i can't hear my drummer to well, all i can tell is that everything seems to be slowing down, but i just can't quite make out the snare drum. hmmm, always a bad sign. anyway, we somehow end somewhat defeated, and once again tommi is like, i've had enough, and jerry follows suit. but corey is like, i wanna play drums still! so he gets back there and i'm like, ok gimme a beat, and i proceed to play hack, and pretty decently at that. corey is able to kinda intuitively figure out what to do (cuz we hadn't ever done anything of this sort before), and it ends up sounding pretty damn good. so after that, i'm like fuck it, i'm done, and so is corey, cuz he and tofer decide to go across the street to the real rock show and hunt for girls over there.
anyway, the oddfellows guys are like stoked on us enough to wanna have us back to a real event on the fourth of july with three other bands for the city's centennial celebration, so we're like, ok why not?! corey and tofer end up having an adventure out to a log cabin which involves some sexy times with some girl, and then get a ride back into town with some random dude that smokes them out, so yeah. like overall, i was pretty unhappy with how the show went down and the position that we were put in. first off it was foolish to try to play songs that we didn't have solid. lesson learned. but then to have pressure to keep playing even when we didn't have material that was together, that was frustrating, especially since we kinda suck once we're all wasted. like i wish we were good enough of musicians to be able to play super good when we're drunk, but we are so not. my goal with playing a show is to play our set, fucking not suck, and in general to be fucking tight and awesome and then be fucking done. we were not any of those things consistently last saturday. but i did sell a cd to a really cool girl named i think natalie. so that i guess made it worth it. i mean, it did seem like a few people there genuinely liked our tunes, and supposedly the cd has been getting some airplay on a local radio station, so that's all really pretty astonishing, so yeah, i guess we'll be back, haha.