Monday, June 05, 2006

coke-heads annoy me

they're so falsly alive, streaming their bullshit from the tongues, from their mouths, all hyper animated looking, oblivious to ridiculousness of the appearance. it's a marvelous feeling until you come down, but white yuppie coke-head fucks are so disgusting to witness, especially in an environment such as the jazz club at which i am presently trapped. one of them is this fake blond female, spewing forth narcissistic banalities, much like this blog, over a glass of cheap white wine. she is with sleaze bag mid-thirties wanks, the one formerly animated whom initially caught my attention, err tweak redar, is now sitting silently, attempting to appreciate the musical performance. he down's the remains of his wine drink with an overly stylized hand movement, a display fully lacking grace. a brief pause in the music for dramatic effect, he voice rings out clearly at the moment most opportune, "what?" oh oops, dumb bitch, haha. i noticed them when they first came in, they were like the first arrival, this trio of tweaked out classless terror. oh the sickening, they just won't shut-up.


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